My first priority when I am President is to stop Lactose Intolerance. The people of Lactose have been discriminated too much for too long. I will end this ethnic intolerance once and for all! | I am not one of those anal patsy toots who takes a canister of air freshener into a public restroom to counter a bout of explosive runs from a truck stop buffet. You get me for who I am all the time. |
Try to match each fictional quote with one major Presidential candidate.
See, is was pretty easy, wasn't it?
This, in a nutshell, is the bad choice America has this Election. Soundbite generalities, talking point gibberish, attack ads, partisan media cheerleading and reckless institutionalized corruption.
After the conventions, when the candidates were glorified as our next Leader, The White House and Congress bulldozed the U.S. Treasury to bailout a wealthy special interest group, Wall Street investment houses and banks, with a blank check.
No Leader stood up to ask the simple question, WHY?
No Leader stood up and challenged the notion of a financial crisis as nothing more than pre-election fear mongering and an excuse for a huge unchecked spending spree.
No Leader had the intelligence to even explain what was the financial crisis, what caused the financial crisis and how throwing trillions of taxpayers dollars was going to solve anything.
It is a shame that None of the Above is not on your November ballot.
There is nothing worse than waking up on November 5th to find that the career politicians have taken over the nation including your livelihood and bank accounts.
How many empty promises made by empty suits will the average citizen believe this time around? |
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It's dull, brown and gray;
Like all the things we do.
That don't go away;
Like all the things we do.
---- The Connells
The candidates can be described as the least informed, least vetted, lipstick on porker insiders sold to the American people under a banner of Change. The only possible change between these career politicians is the tightening of the stranglehold grip that the totalitarians will have on the public's lives. More laws, more regulations, more mandates, more taxes, more sacrifice . . . that is what Congress and the administration does because they are addicted to the power that the special interests fund on each piece of proposed legislation. There are few winners when government tries to fix a perceived problem. Nothing between Obama or McCain brings any true confidence that the muddled one party system in Washington will change. OBAMAMANIA Barack Obama's timeline resume is so full on holes and inconsistencies that he would not be hired as a greeter at a local Walmart. But the national media's adoration of him has clouded any possible examination of Obama as a person, let alone what he personally stands for, so the electorate are left with propaganda marketing quips. Any critic who attempts to raise questions of character or his record, is immediately vilified as a racist or partisan attack dog. Obama never has press conferences to address any questions; instead, he pontificates to the press at times. But his candidacy has been the most tightly managed spectacle in US history. Early in the campaign, he refused to address any issue regarding his voting record, his associates with his anti-American pastor, his associates with the seamy Chicago Daley political machine, or his association with convicted political fixers like Tony Rezko or known past terrorists like Bill Ayers. His family, his faith, his associations , his beliefs, his record and in turn his principles were put off limit. And the press gave him a free pass. Beware of prophets proclaiming reform and change. Obama has surrounded himself with long time Democratic insiders, from his campaign manager to his south Chicago university kitchen cabinet, liberals with ties back to the JFK administration. The gadflies of the Washington, the Sunday morning talking heads, have roosted on his stage, all looking for cabinet positions in exchange for endorsements. Obama, with the most liberal voting record in the Senate, chose the third most liberal voter, Joe Biden, as his running mate. If this pattern does not scream Big Government taking over the American Dream then the public is deaf and blind to the realities of the situation. |
BLAME McCAIN Maverick John McCain's campaign can best be described as one teetering on the verge of a nap. It should come as no surprise for those who look at his history. He was the military's version of an Animal House legacy; his father and grandfather were significant naval officers embedded in the Washington D.C. paramilitary politics. McCain was a poor military student; a poor Navy pilot. But he served his country in Vietnam, and became a prisoner of war. As a captive, he began a piece of communist propaganda, a pawn to poke the Pentagon generals. When he returned home, he went into politics, the only career which did not require great intelligence or skill. Just money (his second marriage) and connections his forefathers had cultivated in Washington. He claims the title of maverick, but he is as much an insider as anyone else. He championed for campaign finance reform, but then took the most soft money (loopholes) when he ran for re-election. He was in the center of a financial scandal, called the Keating Five, about using senatorial influence to derail a criminal investigation of a long time contributor. But as a long time senator, he must of seen the revolving door of not-so-bright men (Clinton and Bush 43) becoming president. He must have thought that if they could lead the country, he could too. He was entitled to job because of his service to the country. He would continually run until he won. McCain is at the crossroads of another Republican Senator. If history does indeed repeat itself, the Republican party could be shattered into deep minority status if McCain loses to Obama. In 1964, Barry Goldwater ran on a staunch conservative platform and lost. The resulting concentration of power by the Democrats lead to the Great Society social engineering programs mandated from Washington. It further concentrated power at the federal level, and started the tentacles of federal control of state and local issues, such as education. The Republicans can blame McCain for the potential demise of their political party. But it still goes back to the current Bush administration which rolled over and became the biggest spender of tax dollars in history. Any sense of conservative doctrine has been obliterated in a few short months this past summer with the $700 billion bailout which sucked in another $150 billion in pure pork spending without any hearings, debate or public input. |
There was a Chicago Magazine profile of Obama. For a pro-Obama article, it was curious devoid of quotes and attributions from his close friends and colleagues. Those who knew him when he first arrived in Chicago could not remember him as being a brilliant or hard working community activist or lawyer. In fact, some associates at his law firm were bitter than Obama spent most of his time in his office writing is autobiography than doing real legal work. The impression was that he was a self-absorbed, lazy and politically ambitious person. How Obama came to Chicago is a great mystery. He never had any connections to Chicago. He was raised overseas or in Hawaii where his grandparents resided. Obama went to a community college in California for two years. His close friends at that time refuse interviews about there time with Obama. At least one of those friends is a large bundler of campaign contributions. At this point, Obama's resume and rhetoric gets fuzzy. He does not just go on to Columbia then Harvard law school. He goes to Columbia, where students in his class or core courses don't remember him. After he graduates, he takes a job at a NY investment firm, but lasts less than six months. Then, he either stays another year or four years, as a community organizer, before moving on to Chicago and Harvard. During this NYC time, Chicagoan Bill Ayers, the radical Weather Underground member, was at Columbia doing work on this PhD. There is no clear connection between the two at that time, except it is curious that Obama is then recruited to go to Chicago. Afterward, he is sponsored to go to Harvard by individuals, including one that was once a 1960s Black Panther mentor. Once he returns to Chicago, his political coming out party was at the home of Ayers. Obama then fast tracks his career through the state house and to the US Senate with the good graces of the liberal Chicago political machine, and well connected but controversial people, like Rev. Wright, whose anti-American sermons were allegedly not heard by Obama for decades. Like a stealth fighter, Obama has left a vanishing trail in his record. His lack of votes, his lack of sponsorship of bills, all leaves him with a blank slate to flip-flop, or as he coins, evolve a position, thereby not offending any particular special interest group. It is this empty suit philosophy which scares some observers. People have been voting for Obama without any factual foundation of what he stands for or what are his principles. McCain has called Obama a socialist for his tax plan as a means to spread the wealth to the less fortunate. Obama does not retract his comments, but the national press does not consider it worthy of further analysis. A snake oil salesmen sells tonic that is a cure-all. In a recessionary economy, Obama's snake oil is free anything for anyone, with a tax cut for 95% of the Americans. It is a fiscal fantasy, but it appears the gullible lap it up like a dehydrated camel at an oasis. But Obama's message has turned himself into a cultural messiah. He arrests a Greek temple for his acceptance speech. He filled stadiums with large crowds (who are really there for a free rock concert after his speech) in order to give the illusion of popularity and greatness. He takes the presidential seal and slaps his logo on it for his campaign poster. He has become the magna egotist who may believe he has the mandate to do anything he wants - - - a blank check to rewrite the American system to his belief of fairness and class warfare. |
McCain's inability to read a teleprompter gives the nation the impression of a bumbling old uncle at Thanksgiving who forgot to plug in the electric carving knife, but was too stubborn to recognize his folly while butchering the bird. Age as a presidential issue should have been put to bed with Ronald Reagan. He came to power with a set of clearly defined principles. Other nations feared him, and he used that initial impression to spread his message of democracy across the globe. As Obama slips from his prepared speeches into socialist buzz words, McCain has not pounced clearly enough on the threat to the American democracy if the Democrats control Congress and the White House. The consolidation of such liberal thinking would lead to no checks and balances in government. Most citizens believe in the concept of checks and balances. But if Obama is elected, even the Fourth Estate, the media, would not counterbalance the First Reign of King Obama. A defeat for McCain could lead to the nationalization of the current Illinois political system. Illinois, which Obama represents in the Senate, has been controlled by the Democrats for years. The Illinois GOP imploded and it has no control of any state office. As such, the Democrats have taken to openly fighting over the spoils of the public treasury. Illinois, especially Cook County, now has brutal real estate tax bills, and the highest sales tax burden in the country. Companies are fleeing the state, and unemployment is rising ahead of the national average. The local solution for growing deficits is to borrow more money (and call it revenue and not a liability) and go on to governing under the pay to play model of enriching family and insiders with public contracts which has lead to hundreds of corruption convictions by the US attorney. How McCain and his handlers have missed this case study of Democratic rule, in Obama's own backyard, is mind boggling. Chicago is currently the murder capital of the United States. The police refuse to arrest gang bangers for drive by shootings. Each week, there is a 40 block war zone on the west and south side of the city. But nothing is done; it only gets worse. The people that are harmed the most, the ones who Obama seeks to protect in his wealth redistribution policy, only want their children not to fear being shot while going to the corner store. Parents only want jobs, but no employer in their right mind would locate in a gangland war zone. So the institutional poverty becomes the status quo. It would be common sense to campaign with the mountain of negative press clippings from Obama's hometown. But McCain has failed to grasp the situation. Or the climate of the poor underclass in American cities. The isolation of Washington have turned these career politicians into walking policy zombies that have no clue of what reality is across America. The stupidity of Congress has sucked all the common sense from those working in the Capitol. |
The entire American political system is backward. The constitution states that private property is to be protected from government interference. The government can only regulate property if there is a nexus of a public health, safety or welfare issue. Otherwise, the owner of property should be entitled to do what he believes is the best use for it. But today, local zoning officials force property owners to prove exceptions to there arbitrary guidelines on property development or use under the guise that any economic purpose in using private property impacts the public. When a government agency is created, it is supposed to be run for the public interest. But when a government seeks funding for its operations, it does not ask the citizens how much they would like to spend on public services. Government representatives set the amount of spending first, then tax their constituents to pay for those government programs. In reality, the whole process should be the other way around; the public should say this is how much we will pay for public services, and representatives and officials, your job is to make that budget work.
How surreal current politics has become comes from a local news report on the Obama victory machine. Two weeks before election day, Obama has demanded that his victory celebration be located in Chicago waterfront Grant Park. As a public event, on public property, and as a news event, the national and local media would be in attendance. However, the Obama people stated that the media would have to pay for access to the event, as much as $1,000 per reporter, cameraman or technician. That is a stunning piece of news which did not get widely reported; the concept of government officials charging the press for access is appalling abuse of power. The First Amendment, in Obama's camp view, requires a reporter's checkbook in order to be valid. This is a bold example of the Illinois pay to play scheme in full view.
How dangerous the current political climate has become comes from an internet report of recent Congressional hearings. Apparently, the Democrats in Congress are formulating a plan to nationalize all workers private 401(k) plans. The Democrats are upset that billions of dollars are put away for individual retirement outside of their control. The Democrats are also upset that those contributions are not immediately taxed. So their solution is to ban all 401(k)s, and require the transfer of all those accounts into a Special Fund, controlled by Congress. Then, Congress would appropriate $600 per year to each person's account and pay a rate of interest of 3 percent. Besides the notion of the unconstitutional theft of trillions of dollars personal property, the Democrats are confident that Obama would sign such legislation. This thinking is not socialist, but communist . . . the federal government controlling all one's retirement funds. If you control their money, the public's hearts and minds will have to follow. Another reason is that Democrats want to spend all that money; it won't be a safe, secure, segregated trust fund. Congress will take what it wants from that trust fund just like it does from the Social Security retirement funds, to spend on pet projects, earmarks, graft and pork. And it further shows how out-of-step these legislators are in regard to retirees . . . who can live on $600 a year?? That is the annual income for a third world nation - - - is that how Congress views the American public? As peasants? As peasants with too much accumulated wealth? If one gets $600 a year in a federal retirement account, at the end of their 40 year work life history, that person would have a whopping $52,500.00 to live on for the next 10 to 25 years.
If you believe that the Democrats are not of the mind set to do something as taking 401(k) plans, just remember during the bailout discussion, the Democratic leaders were adamant about setting executive compensation for troubled firms. The Democrats wanted to take a board of directors compensation committee and make it a Congressional subcommittee headed by Barney Frank. The growing lust for power over private matters is the most rapidly spreading cancer in Washington. It threatens the basic framework of the country.
The whole concept of the American Dream, the opportunity through hard work to become successful and wealthy, has been beaten into submission. Obama now uses the term American Promise instead of the American Dream because his American Promise is purely based on government entitlements and citizen dependence on government programs solving all one's problems.
This may be the most dangerous time in American history. Factors such as growing unemployment, destroyed industrial base, high imports, high taxes, huge deficits, collapsing stock prices and vanishing personal wealth put people into a weak mindset who may be willing to listen to any hint of hope without any specifics. Neither Obama or McCain show any grasp of the realities of the present situation. Neither Obama or McCain can explain the specifics of the current financial crisis. Neither can explain how throwing $2 trillion at investment firms and banks will solve any family's personal credit crunch. The bottom line is that government intervention can't solve those problems. The American economy is based upon individual work ethic, the creation of valuable goods and services, which in turn creates real wealth. A government printing trillions of dollars is not creating wealth, it is merely creating a landfill full of debt. It is diluting the value of a person's dollar, the medium of exchange in the private sector. So the government's actions confirm the law of unintended consequences; the more government intervention and policy manipulation creates more problems or increases the severity of the plight on the average person.
If the United States was a banana republic, Jimmy Carter and his international election judges, would be screaming bloody murder about the voting irregularities occurring throughout the nation. Community organizations, such as ACORN, have registered more than a million new voters. But a cursory review of those voter applications shows out and out fraud. And new rules about being able to register without identification or verification, then vote the same day, is merely institutionalized pre-election ballot box stuffing. In addition, the non-itemized and irregularities in the campaign donations, especially from the Internet, show illegal contributions by foreign nationals, and other organizations. But nothing will be done before the election. The process is jury rigged against penalizing any candidate before the actual election. Apparently, the integrity of the election process is irrelevant if it favors your candidate or helps your candidate win.
The problem with this election is that the public has no choice. Incumbents have created their own ruling class in Washington. Incumbents win 98 percent of their elections. They have rigged the election laws to make it almost impossible for third party candidates to compete. And since incumbents control the legislature or executive branches, they are the ones who get vast majority of special interest campaign contributions. The seizing of power and the means to hold that power is really what motivates incumbents. Over time, the incumbents believe that their positions are vested property rights, to be passed on to surviving spouses or their children, as a nobleman's title and privilege. So when one arrives in the polling place, you will have no real third party alternative. Yes, Ralph Nader is on the ballot in many states, trying to steer the uber-liberal vote to his causes. Bob Barr, the ex-Republican, took the Libertarian party nomination this summer, to the disdain of some party regulars. Both Nader and Barr will have little to no impact in this year's election. With more than $2.5 billion spent by Obama and McCain on this election, there will be no doubt that the public will attempt choose between the lesser of two evils.
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